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Apricots are a versatile fruit that can be enjoyed fresh or used in a variety of recipes, including desserts, jams, sauces, salads, and more. Their sweet and slightly tart flavor adds a delightful touch to both sweet and savory dishes.

History and Origin of Apricots

Apricots have a long history that traces back to ancient times. They are believed to have originated in China and later spread to other parts of Asia, the Middle East, and Europe. Apricots were highly valued for their delicious flavor and nutritional benefits.

Apricots Class, Calories, and Nutrition

Apricots belong to the Rosaceae family and are known for their sweet and tangy taste. They are a low-calorie fruit, providing approximately 48 calories per 100-gram serving. Apricots are a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, dietary fiber, and potassium. They also contain antioxidants and other beneficial compounds.

Apricot Seasonality by Continent and Month

  • North America and Europe: Apricots are typically in season during the summer months, with peak availability in late spring and early summer.
  • Asia, Australia, and other regions: In various regions, apricots may be available at different times of the year due to different climates and growing conditions. They are generally more abundant during the warmer months.

Storage and Shelf Life

To keep apricots fresh, it is best to store them at room temperature until they are ripe. Once ripe, you can refrigerate them to extend their shelf life. Apricots are delicate and should be handled with care to avoid bruising. When stored properly, ripe apricots can last for several days.

Substitution for Apricots

While apricots have a unique flavor and texture, there are other fruits that can be used as substitutes in recipes. Here are a few options to consider:

  • Peaches: Peaches have a similar juicy and sweet taste to apricots, making them a good substitute. They can be used in various recipes, such as desserts, sauces, and salads, to bring a similar flavor profile.
  • Plums: Plums offer a tangy and sweet flavor that can resemble apricots. They can be used in recipes that call for apricots, such as pies, tarts, and compotes, to provide a similar taste and texture.
  • Nectarines: Nectarines are closely related to peaches and have a comparable taste and texture. They can be used as a substitute for apricots in recipes, adding a sweet and juicy element to your dishes.
  • Mangoes: Mangoes offer a tropical and sweet flavor that can be a unique alternative to apricots. While the taste is different, they can provide a delightful sweetness and vibrant color to desserts, salsas, and sauces.

Food Facts

  • Class
  • Calories 48 calories
  • Nutrients
  • Season Summer, Fall
  • Storage
  • Shelf life
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Carolyn Moncel

Carolyn Davenport-Moncel is a digital media and communication consultant, author, mother, contrarian, book, music and reformed veggie lover and Founder and Souper-in-Chief at Simply Souperlicious, a platform devoted to helping fans "fall back in love with veggies" -- one local, seasonal, soup recipe at a time. Follow her veggie and soup journey on social media @simplysouperlicious.

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