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Vitamin C and Immune Boosting Foods 

It was the famous Nobel laureate Dr. Linus Pauling who taught the world that taking large amounts of vitamin C can keep the common cold away. But he was wrong. I’m sorry to break it to you, but there is no solid evidence that glugging orange juice will prevent you from a nasty cold each winter. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t important though.

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin, meaning we do not produce it ourselves, but our body needs it to function properly. The vitamin helps promote good immune function, the absorption or iron and also keeps your bones healthy. Without a sufficient amount of vitamin C, your immune system will be impaired and you will be more susceptible to infections, something no one wants at this time. But, before you pop open the vitamin supplements and start chugging down the pills, please read this first.


Unless you have specifically been told by a medical professional to supplement your diet with vitamin C, the majority of the population can acquire enough through a healthy, balanced diet. We honestly take for granted how important and nutritious food is. There are so many foods out there packed with vitamin C, and it’s the tasty ones too. And I’m going to blow your mind, I am not including any citrus fruits in this list.

Sweet Yellow Peppers

Sweet yellow peppers age like a fine wine, the more they mature the higher the vitamin C content. So, don’t be afraid to let them get a little wrinkly. 75g of pepper provides 137mg of vitamin C, way over the daily recommended amount, you definitely don’t need supplements.

Here are some different dishes to use sweet yellow pepper in:


Check out this Roasted Pepper and Tomato soup recipe


This is one of the more popular vegetables in the cruciferous family (the ones that give you wind) and there’s a good reason for it. Broccoli is jam packed with nutrients. Along with around 57mg of vitamin C, it is also a great source of vitamins A, E, K and folic acid. The key to making good broccoli is seasoning well. Next time you parboil your broccoli, try finishing by sautéing with the following seasoning:

Say goodbye to soggy green vegetables and hello to crisp, flavourful dishes, crammed with a whole load of nutrients.


Check out this Romanesco Broccoli soup recipe


Who’d have thought that herbs also provided us with vitamins and minerals? In-fact, gram for gram thyme has three times more vitamin C than an orange. Obviously you probably don’t consume quite that much thyme in a day. But this means that even with a teaspoon of fresh thyme sprinkled over your dish, you can still increase your daily intake of vitamin C. Foods that work well with thyme include:


Check out this Chicken Soup with Turmeric, Chickpea and Thyme

Now, hopefully I’ve convinced you to check your fridge for vitamins instead of the supplement cupboard. The thing is, vegetables are often filled with various vitamins and minerals that work together to provide a healthy environment for your body. And, unless you’ve been told by a doctor to take supplements, you will find the majority of the nutrients you need in the food you eat.

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Eryn Barber

A personal trainer and content writer, with a background writing nutrition and fitness articles. Her main passion is anything and everything to do with food. She is a keen baker and loves writing about her experiences with food. Follow her work-outs on Instagram @erynbarber.

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