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Bi-Monthly Newsletter: Issue 4 – October 20, 2020

Hey, Soupers! 

It’s Halloween season and soon all of the little ghosts and goblins will be out and about! But, there’s nothing scary in this newsletter, just some boolicious vegan soup options, some music that I enjoy personally, and some great articles to get you in the right festive mood!

What’s New…

Kitchen Music – Halloween Edition: We’re back with another playlist devoted to the ‘colour’ orange. If you’re expecting a playlist of clichéd Halloween tricks, that’s not what you’ll find here. Oh, no. These are songs (mostly rock alternative) that I would listen to anytime of the year. It just happens that the music found on this playlist is what’s been on since I started cooking up my holiday goodies. Give a listen!

World Food Day: Since 1945, October 16 has been designated ‘World Food Day’ by the United Nations. This annual international day of celebration commemorates the date of the founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization. This year’s theme was: ‘Grow, Nourish, Sustain. Together.’

It’s also a day designed to draw awareness to global food security. And, let’s not forget that its sister agency, the World Food Programme won the 2020 Nobel Prize for Peace.

If you missed an opportunity to become better acquainted with foods from around the world, don’t worry. Simply Souperlicious’ Tayla Blaire took us to her native country, South Africa, to learn more about the local food she enjoys. Check out her post!

Check out our latest issue!